
1. The Rail Business Awards are open to any company or organisation of any size that conducts business within the UK rail industry, or any employee of such a company. Submissions should generally relate to work undertaken or projects completed during the last 18 months.

2. Companies and individuals may enter as many categories as they wish. However, the same projects, products or services should not be entered for more than one category. RBA reserves the right to transfer entries to a different category where it is felt that this is more appropriate.

3. Entries should not exceed 2500 words. Entrants should also submit a brief synopsis of around 50 words highlighting the key points of their entry. This should be accompanied by one relevant, high resolution photograph and company logo.

4. Entries into the awards cost £125 + VAT per entry, per category and must be submitted online at www.railbusinessawards.com using the online basket.

5. Please note the eligibility requirements and judging criteria for each category. The judges will take into account the extent to which entries address these specific requirements. Entries which do not address some or all of the criteria will be marked down.

6. The closing date for entry submissions is at 23:55PM on 18 October 2024.

Table  bookings

You can find the terms and conditions for all bookings at the following link https://www.dvvmediainternational.com/award-terms-conditions-delegates/